Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Don't Date Her Dude on Facebook!.

Ms. Bait and Switch
At first it was like dating a porn star…
now its like you’re dating a nun!

When you first started dating her, the sex was unreal. It was every date, multiple times. She amazed you with her libido and her willingness to do it all.

She even let you hit it doggy style during Monday Night Football so you could keep your eyes on the TV.

But, once the relationship gets serious, she closed the legs shut and tight. Now, sex is a reward that you get for doing what she wants, saying what she wants, and handing your balls to her.

Don’t do it. Drop this miscreant as soon as possible!

Don’t date her dude!

Monday, January 27, 2014


If she brings up an ex on the first date..she's a drama queen looking for a place to sit up her hive.
Use an exit strategy and move the hell on!

She may have a PhD and you may have a GED.

She may own a $300,000 house
and you may rent a $300/month apartment.

She may be a corporate lawyer
and you may be a janitor.

She may make $400,000 a year
and you may make $400 a month.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

If she starts talking about her past love life...get some popcorn, 2 large pizzas, and a twelve pack because it’s going to be a long night. When it comes to men, this woman can’t get anything right. She always falls for the wrong dude. Of course, none of it is her fault...right? There were never any warning signs…right? She was blindsided again and again...right?

And now she is giving you the opportunity to ride the
Misery Express and endure her tales of woe and gloom.

Don’t date her dude!

She’s been screwed and dumped, cheated on, lied to, and ripped off. All the men in her life have been low life scum. She’s been used in every possible way! Time and time again, her precious heart has been shattered by some heartless prick.

And she doesn’t mind sharing this with you. In fact, she wants to share it with you. In all honesty, she makes it a point to share this with you at every possible opportunity.

Of course, she never talks about the warning signs she ignored or the good men she rejected….

Don’t date her dude!